In The Next 7 Years
In The Next 7 Years
What does the third 7-year cycle look like for Piña Business Services, Inc.? So, I've spent the past two years building a team that frees up my time to offer the following support to give back more to my community and support other small business owners.
What we want to offer to Small Business owners, is our 14 years of knowledge. What you are about to read, is our vision over the next 7 years, and what we hope to offer.
We hope to offer:
- Mastermind Groups,
- Business Book Clubs,
- Breakfast or Lunch and learns,
- Business Owner Prayer meetings, and
- One on one Consulting.
There has been a saying, “If you are self-employed, you are working more than 40-60 hours a week on the business”, and there were many years that I was doing that. But it doesn’t always have to be that way. Business Owners need to step away from the grind, form the desk, to take a break, and meet up with other business owners and learn from each other. You are not alone, let’s do this together.
Mastermind Groups: are groups of 6-8 business owners, who meet on a regular basis to go over their business, and learn about different parts of being a business owner, i.e.: marketing, hiring, sales, etc. Within these mastermind groups, it could add great knowledge to your business, that you can’t get by staying within your own 4 walls.
Business Book Clubs: are a monthly meeting to go over a business book and share what you learned from the book and how you are going to apply it in your business. My moto is “Never Quit Learning” and here we are getting knowledge from the author, but also learning from other business owners as they will pick up “golden nuggets” within the book.
Breakfast or Lunch and learns are a time to break bread and get to know another fellow business owner over breakfast or lunch. Also, during these meetings, you have one business owner share about their business so you can learn what they do, highlighting a different business each meeting.
Business Owner Prayer meetings: well, it’s in the name, as business owners, we go through a lot of stress, heartache, and doubt. We have highs and lows, and sometimes we are doing it all alone. We all could use some prayer.
One on one Consulting: is where I meet with you one on one. It could be for budgeting, marketing plans, business plans, debt-free plans, etc.
If you ever want to chat about business, please schedule a free consultation at Also, check out the other blogs on the website!